+% Base Multikill rate: Many World 3 Monsters (1 in 1. The mining mini game lag is insane , even switching to other empty world does almost nothing i get lot of lag and i fail 1/2 because of lag maybe more its realy painfull. Detailed Drop Details for Monster Rating. The issue is a combination of three main factors: You can only get a random follower once per week. It's defence is also decently high, so you could also have this equipped to boost passive skills exp (Construction and Alchemy) while fighting as long as you have food to make up for hp loss. But it was always going to. The important thing to note here is different builds serve different play styles. I always just go lucky dude on my new characters because the 3 extra skill points at start is a nice boon and once they're. I'm happy to explain any of these in greater detail, but basically: 2x DK better than 2x BB because of construction/gaming (fishing/cooking with a second BB falls off pretty hard in mid/late-game). On the top platform there is an alien tree, starlight mining node, and a forge. My rule of thumb 50 cent spend per hour actively played is fine. Depending on how often you checking in you should set traps to a time that suits. Desert Davey is the Taskmaster of Yum-Yum Desert. 7777777777778 1 in 2. Yes I do. Complete Sailing Guide (with best strategies) Contents Show. The Arcade is a fun addition to World 2 of Idleon which allows you to get various rewards and upgrade bonuses by launching balls into the Arcade machine. I gain 12. - The Office - Defeat Dr Defecaus. 1x YumYum Sheriff. Not only the auto loot, all the event packs too. 3 by getting roughly 20 green stacks. My low lvl barb rank 201, 92% crit at 2. 0. IdleOn - The Idle MMO - Early Access Development:About the GameCreate archers, mages, warriors, and even SECRET classes, as you work toward unlocking new features! You do all the Min-Max'ing while they do the Grinding! I'm LavaFlame2, and I have been working on IdleOn since January 2020, over 3. Or a guild if you happen to be on at the same time as someone else who can aid you. I am requesting builds which include the Special Talents tab. I was wondering if anyone else had this problem, or knows how to fix it. Buy me a coffee: ohhi Guild: Idleon Guide Spreadsheet has just released! - Info on Gems/Obols/Construction/Pets. All multi chance bubbles to min 51 (100%), HP/MP eff bubbles to 67. Then put points into featherweight as needed to hit 145 or 160% move speed. DPS is important, but hits a very realistic threshold for kills/hour. idleon is quite slow if you dont put money on it or get lucky from an event or the arcade. 1 star' into chat. but what would u rate the game. ago. IdleOn - The Idle MMO - Early Access Development:About the GameCreate archers, mages, warriors, and even SECRET classes, as you work toward unlocking new features! You do all the Min-Max'ing while they do the Grinding! I'm LavaFlame2, and I have been working on IdleOn since January 2020, over 3. First off, you'll want enough Accuracy to hit whatever the highest level mob. Technically with traps you only need one high tier one which you switch between characters to give you the biggest boost. yeah, i'm having crashing issues with afk info too, and i just started this game a few hours ago lmao. Type. As this game is growing we have more and more people reaching w3, so this is my attempt to provide some details about your new skills and how the nature of progression changes notably. When you want to use your maestro for combat/drop rate, you'll want to have all of his skills leveled up a LOT. 3 characters times 500 kills per hour times 24 hours per day times 7 days comes to 252,000 pots killed. Pets. Hairy_Alternative_68. Posted by. Need some one with a name that starts with P and/or S to say '1 star, game sucks!' im on lime needle server 1 w1 in town. reason cuz some random play asked me to say"1 star, game sucks!"even tho the game more like 4. 5: 1 Holy Pearl: 1 in 25. You get absolutely no exp, especially at high levels. Mining minigame is rly game lag insane, plz fix. To my knowledge, there are only 2 skills Maestro has and only 1 working ability. ago. From my understanding bear god eliminates all sources of lab XP, including the buba shared XP. If you just open minigame and press it. Your first objective is to put 1 point in every single active skill. The chance of getting rarer pets increases as you obtain more. It's not "I'll" it's "Ill". 5. 3 characters times 500 kills per hour times 24 hours per day times 7 days comes to 252,000 pots killed. You'll still need to do the constellation work, because some of the very best signs to double are towards the end of the red page. Quest Name. cooking: pretty high lvl meal, but gives alot once you have it. 1 Points per purchase resulting in 1 point every 10 levels. Finding and unlocking the telescope, unlocking new star signs and tips on what star signs to use. Create a living creature from scratch. Or atleast i dont know anything. Barb is really good while active if you are not crystal/giant/droprate farming with maestro but yeah he kinda sucks at AFK. This is largely a copy of my response to this post, slightly edited for detail/wording. I know I've seen it. It sucks, and I hope they alter it. When you pair their star signs properly with the class, it can increase the growth of the buffs with time. Could some nice person whoms name start with a P or S come online to say "1 star, game sucks!" in the chat? I am so annoyed by this quest and just want to get over with. Detailed Drop Details for Monster Rating. First dude might be upset, but leaving a 1 star review cuz updates get delayed makes no sense, in no way does that make IdleOn a 1/5 game Reply. 1 slot for Teleports. Go into your youtube app at the phone, click on your profile on the upper right, click settings and there check your profile info. 5: 1 Holy Pearl: 1 in 25. Quantity. 5 years! I'm always working to make it the best game it can be, so IdleOn is only gonna become bigger and better over time! I place a huge importance on player feedback. At level one, each of these Shiny Pets will give +2 Infinite Star Signs, which increases by +2 for every level up. I’m gaming with my 4 year old and every time I’m in the lead (which is always) I get absolutely peppered with shells. But I think the auto loot should not be behind a pay wall. View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. 2 slots, so 24 power for me. It'll only give you another one when it says +3 points, which will happen once it hits lv20. Ok, NOW it's Peak Gaming! 1000. Equip the new weapon but tapping the Items button on the bottom bar. 1000x Monster Rating, 1x Player Rating With Letter P, 1x Player Rating With Letter S. my ARCHER is terrible, i've tried four builds and while the others gain 106k xp/hour my archer only gains 43k xp/hour. There is no "winning" in this game, only progression. When killing him use everything you can to increase your drop rate, cards, bonuses etc. Requires completing "Such Rock Very Dog Wow 1-5" tasks (Beat W1 boss, Amarok) 2. I've heard conflicting answers. #11. If anyone wants to help a guy out, I'm Muleman12 and active farming on Pizza 13 Spore Meadows. 2 Birch Longbow + Thief Hood. • 2 yr. Sloppin_Steaks. This god allows you to have your chars in lab and count for divinity also. the 2 main side roles being wood cutting and miner for mage and warrior, Make sure you have 2 of every class for now and a spare for the hidden class. ago. IdleOn playlist: These are all the Star Talent Books buyable from the Dungeon Shop i. (By no means am i talking bad about the dev or the game. -lvl 50, we skill until 40. is the first equipment I've found, and is way further into the game than the other bow. Ok, NOW it's Peak Gaming! Collect ratings from mobs and ask other players whose names start with P or S to say '1 star, game sucks!' to collect more ratings. If you usually play on mobile, try the website or steam. True mb I was writing the comment before going to bed so I was tired. Animals and Pets Anime Art Cars and Motor Vehicles Crafts and DIY Culture, Race, and Ethnicity Ethics and Philosophy Fashion Food and Drink History Hobbies Law Learning and Education Military Movies Music Place Podcasts and Streamers Politics Programming Reading, Writing, and Literature Religion and Spirituality Science Tabletop Games. In tab2 you have 'Limbs of the infernal' (Magma Axe) skill which Scales with Smithing lvls. Quantity. Redownloading tends to help quite abit. Make some Amarok Pants and stone them out, thats 33 armor vs 12 from your copper pants assuming t3 stones. 4. Quests. But damn, he really sucks managing things like community, feedbacks, development cycles and a lot of other things. This seems very unlikely. There. most other idle games the gameplay comes down to clicking. Keep in mind the images you've seen of other similarly levelled archers doing such high damage may be partly due to other bonuses not related to level or talent points (stamps, alchemy, statues. NoThanksGoodSir • 10 mo. IdleOn playlist: Patch 1. Show off cool items you've found, discuss the best builds for each class, and theorize about how to unlock the super secret areas!. i have only the birch longbow and the carrot bow and i. There is a build on idleon companion for shaman colosseum runs, though its a fairly high level thing. On the left, you'll see an "Import" tab. Then attack the blue orb hand, then the top right hand with axe hurl again, then go to the blue orb arm and attack the hammer arm from there. :p. Go to idleon r/idleon • by. 2x ES is better than 2x Bubo because of double divinity linking. It doesn't show the increase in candy quality. You'll still need to do the constellation work, because some of the very best signs to double are towards the end of the red page. You'll want unending energy/skilled dimwit prayers if you want to get high skill levels. The game use to crash maybe once a day but since the last update it crashes all the time sometimes in less then an hour of active farming, I got auto loot so its not bc of loot being left on the floor and slowing everything down. iPad. 2: Upgrade stones in the W1 shop felt too low of a stock. 1 in 30. Damn man, that's lame. Chance. No joke, I'd uninstall if Lava took away my storage from anywhere ram. This means you want to give them to your chars with the best gains. Chaotic Amarok is great for pure AFK farming, and holds up even into end game. This works, it has correctly given you +2 tab 1 talent points. . Technically with traps you only need one high tier one which you switch between characters to give you the biggest boost. Good luck! Just go to the apps menu under settings and delete the cache and game data. Depends how far you are. While you're offline, all your characters continue grinding, gathering resources, crafting items, and defeating bosses!1) Sell Thread from the anvil. 先日Idleon MMO(旧:Legends of Idleon)というゲームを知り、面白半分で初めたところ思いのほかハマってしまい自分の生活の中心となりつつある。非常に奥が深いゲームであることは間違いないが、日本語でまとまった情報を記載しているところがなく、英語wiki等を解読しながら手探りで進めない. The usual stuff first, like pushing alch, stamps, levels/talent points, 4 starring dmg cards and boss card set, dmg shrine + doubled shrine card. • 2 yr. All the info is referenced from Idleon Wiki <. The mining mini-game is a reactive one based on timing (spamming that slam is key). 729 Player Rating With Letter S Description 'This is NOT an Idle game! I actually have to play it sometimes! And why are there actual pictures on the screen,. Type. Complete Arcade Guide. I see the answers here about rng items which are for dungeons but I'm. IdleOn W4 playlist: Today we use a new Account. So, if you go to Green Spores and hold down on a 1 hour candy you'll instantly get whatever you would normally get there for 1 hour. dinoparrot91. ie. These are all passive bonuses and worth getting. Methods for free gems: Spike Trap minigame, bosses, alchemy, j-man, guild gifts, discord free gem competition, Lavas streams just follow him around. These tabs specify the "meta" within their subject. Go to idleon r/idleon • by DullBoysenberry9649. The game felt good to play before world 4 dropped. Scripticus is the mainline quest giver, so have a chat with him, and go and kill some mushrooms. The Skilled Dimwit Prayer gives +30% Skill Efficiency but -30% Skill EXP. It's recommended to level your gatherers until you run out of resources, then respec into gathering skills and restock. 2, raise your mining eff/ afk gains as much as you can so when you sample you can achieve higher samples. Once you click it once it goes faster. idleontoolbox. 91% reduction we will lvl up to 51. Even with zow at 132 and all the monsters from world 1,2 and 3 feeding it i am still under 2million unbuffed, my hunter is quite comfortably sitting over 7million top end. In the event that you're giving all of the facts and not embellishing - the universe is giving you a massive middle finger. View source. The best way to log out is got to the character select screen and force. Idleon's latest update introduced pet followers - which contrary to the name has no relation to the World 4 skill allowing you to breed "pets". Or call 1800‐692‐7753. And befor i close the application i qill go back to the player menu for saving all changes. Idleon. They take a long time to finnish, are very difficult if you havent spent all of your childhood playing flappy birds games. Highest priority. ago. Like i have 3 mages/3 warriors/3 archer/1 journeyman. . Quantity. Some get triggered via leveling for example, some are not possible if done on all 7 characters already. Name. 27K subscribers in the idleon community. Seems like we gotta play it pretty extensively to receive the idleon rewards which kinda sucks. Go to idleon r/idleon • by. 15% Class EXP when fighting actively. Megacrits are in the game and working. Just keep in mind that one of the sub-class is for the world 2 skill (barbarian/bowman/shaman) and the other subclass is for. Get Defender's Dignity ring recipe from Mimics, 18 def and +4% def per ring with t3 stones. W2 -> get class upgrades on all chars, from there continue pushing on. Craft from Storage only counts for 1 item, no matter how many different items you make with it. • 10 days ago. - go up to the level 4 world item. Glass shard has a drop rate of 1 in 20,000. Nope, it will work as an infinite star sign even before you unlock it. Seems spreading them around worked. At the time of writing there are currently 58 available star signs, so in order to make them all passive, you need to get all of these pets to at least level 5 and a few to level 6. you're level 100 - you have 100 star points. exe and config. The tool shows a black prompt for 1-2 seconds and closes itself:So it's a known bug/exploit that you can reset your talents by changing clients. Depends on your progress in the game! There is a site called Idleon Companion. Also the star signs you are talking about are early game trash just go unlock the better star signs and swap to them. I am sitting at around 25% rn amd i was wondering how end game players reach such exorbitant levels of CC. More time = more chances to kill = more chances for drops to happen. New tools, new characters, new armor, ect. The chance of getting rarer pets increases as you obtain more. Post Office box is great, and will really help everywhere. ago. Pet #9. If your gear is not quite there yet, the second biggest boost to accuracy in Idleon is the famous Shaquracy alchemy bubble. EidolonRook In World 5 • 6 mo. Showing 1 - 2 of 2 comments. -You go to your mman first, collect offline gains. There are lots of ways to boost crystal mob spawn rate, you want to boost it however you can. It has a huge buff of +1% Accuracy gained from your classes accuracy stat per level, which makes a massive difference fast. The game (I assume you mean the game) is called Legends of Idleon, an idle game that takes inspiration from games like Maplestory, Runescape and more. No-Oil-1186 • 5 mo. So if you are missing those and pressing 1 and 2 expecting your first abilities to fire, they wont. So pick whatever you feel gives you the most benefits of the job class you're choosing for that character at creation. 1 - Gem purchase impossible for me. r/twice. Can anyone shoot me in the direction for a beginner. Max damage is 378k with shrines. Hitboxes are weird, and the ground redraws below your cart, but as already stated only the front wheel matters. - craft world 2 item. 1. Only locking inventory places is a bit weird, sometimes it will save it, sometimes the game wont. ago. Still need help, please. Steep Sheep Ledge - Defeat a sheepie barehanded on four players. This is another mobile game that made unnecessary steps to entice players to spend their money to get ahead. The first ever idle game MMO, with more content than any other idle game! Create your own guild of characters who continue to grind & share resources even while you're away! This game is for any true RPG game fan. Early game, it takes a looooong time to get 100k kills on every map. I leveled up a shiny pet that gave that bonus and it still says 29. 0: 25 1 HR Time Candy: 1 in 6. Ok, NOW it's Peak Gaming! 1. Fit_Cake_9105 • 1 yr. Download. This is obvious but if it doesn't seem to be working I would check this. Then attack the blue orb hand, then the top right hand with axe hurl again, then go to the blue orb arm and attack the hammer arm from there. This is really rough for a new player. After that, you can farm 2 card/8h for most of the maps. All around solid game If I were you I would give it a shot : a Comment and tell me what you think What Player Rating With Letter P is used in. When you jump, you can tap again to drop your cart quickly. I find if I go back to the character select screen and log out I that it clears the data and all inactive sets rese, it happens when I get a crash sometimes too. Yeah act like that's a real fix. Quantity. Been hearing the monetization was pretty bad too. While you're offline, all your characters continue where you left them, gathering resources, crafting items, and defeating bosses! Whether you want to actively. 0: 25 1 HR Time Candy: 1 in 6. 11 Dirty Coal Miner Baggy Soot Pants + 20 Gems. Uninstall the game and reinstall it then. Go to idleon r/idleon •. Consider dungeons to be a game-within-a-game where you can't bring anything into the dungeon, but can trade for rewards back into the main game (the talents and some of the gear is best in slot) There are also two more Dungeons. Because Melvor is based on an MMO so it kinda plays like an MMO. Also, make sure you update the app to the most recent version. It sextuples your damage, gives a bunch of blocking which might come in handy, and the only downside is lowered mana regen, which - quite. One cycle will give you 6 nullo salt (it's one for every three purple salts). Use the axe hurl ability on the sword hand until ded, then the same to the purple orb, then go attack the head and use axe hurl to attack the finger gun hand at the same time. You can kill him regardless of the damage. Now for some stupid reason you decide to block the button for the bloody menu where I could maybe finally mute that damn thing and then I have to continue the game, defeat everything in the first area, then go to gather materials for forever in the. From there, for damage you'll want to invest in Sharpened Axe and Gilded Sword, as well Warriors will want to invest in Meat Shank. Speaking o which having 21 tries per character would just be insane considering you will be able to have more than 7 characters the more the game is updated so really 21 is pretty good for now. specifically, it crashes every time when i try to look at the afk info on my second character. Or at least it used to, now you can easily swap builds! 1. the infinilyte which will probably come out in something like world 7 or 8 is intended to be the strongest class in the game. • Create multiple heroes, and specialize them into different classes! Your miner will get ores, for your smithy to make into armor. Focusing more on afk gains and active skill. com , idleoncompanion. What Player Rating With Letter S is used in. by queenkid1. At level one, each of these Shiny Pets will give +2 Infinite Star Signs, which increases by +2 for every level up. My highest score is 1, doubt I will ever get any higher Hopefully Lava will tweak it to be a bit more reasonable in the future, seeing how you need to get some score for the Token things. Helped me get the other moon drop the one time I got some thing. Contents Show. On the merit shop, buy 1 Telekinetic Storage and the rest can go to food/construction slots or sample size! And that's pretty much it. so you pick 1 or 2 characters you dont mind having in the lab, so they can double the prints. 1 - You want to rush to unlock the new world content as fast as possible. Then max out your active movement speed skill on tab 2. And the rest just do the really good candy quests and the boss key quests and you're good. For that reason id get rid of the active build. All XII's to 36 for 30% Reduction, all three tool bubbles to 60 (30%) or higher, all stat bubbles to 100+, if you wish to invest in Meatshank for Squire or Overclocked Energy for Wizards I'd recommend Warrior's Rule/Mage is best to 155/160 depending your achievement progress. If you do the steps of stamps/alchemy/cooking and such. The extra points are considered a surplus and can be used for other things like French fries which are nice but not necessary. I want to remember him saying that the shop would rotate. Bowman second, again because of kick. theres a god that triples printers for the toon its on, so you put that toon in the lab for double printer, then the god triples that double. 2x ES is better than 2x Bubo because of double divinity linking. . 1 star, game sucks. Megacrit damage bonus is a additive crit. More people playing. IdleOn playlist: Patch 1. Complete Arcade Guide. This happens to me on mobile. %Game_name% 1. The ones you raised should still be active though but u cant raise them more until they come back. IdleOn: The Idle MMO. prayer: kinda sucks to use, i prefered trophy . You seem to have quite a few points in strength, I have no idea why you'd do that to a mage. I can't go. 7* 55. World 2 is a collection of 'minigames'. Video Games. Simple: Along with cheats. but the number of downloads can reach 1,000,000+. For me it's 100x easier to go from bottom to top (left clicking) vs dropping from top to bottom (no real control). His final quest awards the Woodsman Token . I went from spending about an hour on my two characters per day to needing about 3-4 hours every day just to do all the daily tasks and all the farming and maintain some efficiency on my six. This is the second daily source of tickets after Typhoon. It's just human nature. The best way to log out is got to the character select screen and force. During your adventure you will encounter myriad people, monsters and other creatures. Although Melvor Idle has a similar concept. AFK gains. 0: 1 12 HR Time Candy: 1 in 100: 1 24 HR Time Candy: 1 in 200: 1 Black Pearl: 1 in 10. World 3 Introduction/Guide. Category: Quest Items. Sailing is currently one of the most important skills in Idleon, as the artifacts give insane bonuses to all aspects of the game. IdleOn playlist: First, make sure you are still a Beginner. Classes and their Skills. 0: 1 4 HR Time Candy: 1 in 25. It isn’t so bad after you complete a few of the achievements, and then you can hit him a few times before he starts the games. I know I've seen it. the 6th pet is #1, the 5th pet is #2. w1 -> rush amarok, make enough bronze armour for you to tank mobs until you reach him and a weapon to kill faster. A barb got you through a lot of the early and mid game much easier than any other class could. Per page: 15 30 50. So I’ve been trying to unlock some achievements to get the awards, but they aren’t unlocking. exe, and no longer LegendsOfIdleon. +5 Tab 1 Talent Pts, +1% Arcade balls/hr World changing is allowed. Crystal Crabal. 5% damage from activating NPNG itself. Also, the hack makes the game to freeze a lot on pc, so you will have to close and relaunch the game every 5-10 minutes. mmm early late game is a weird place where you still have to pick between skills to max out instead of just maxing everything out. Watch how organs pass into the body, just grow them from stem cells. I think my most efficient uses were. 0). Literally lets you change out star signs. My dudes here's the link to help collect them all! #idleon #legendsofidleonSotales •. " This is the typical endgame lab setup, requiring 6 characters: You will usually have out of your lab: Bubonic Conjurer or Maestro as active. So i never log out. Archer/Bowman : Smithing and Catching. Quest Hey fellas, as in the title i could use some help with the last cattleprod quest. json, then place all three files inside your game's installation folder. don't worry you get thousands just piling up eventually, i have almost 10K mstone 1 and 4K mstone 2 and that's after using a couple thousand mstone 2s lol. Early game, you change and upgrade equipment as a pretty quick pace. . Useful Tip! I and other experienced players have worked on this spreadsheet to offer guidance in various aspects of Idleon. I'd imagine the game is unplayable if you don't pay any money in this regard), you really can't do much for more than a day or two before you enter a point of not getting much anything in return for your time. If you have a PC amd access to steam, you can play idleon on it and for what ever reason, it works on the computer. Show off cool items you've found, discuss the best builds for each class, and theorize about how to unlock the super secret areas!. info], você vai se deparar com alguns cogumelos roxos que você vai ter que derrotar para liberar o portal na sua frente, atravesse o portal e logo após retorne para onde veio (spawn) e vai encontrar um NPC antes não visto, chamado "SECRETKEEPER", fale com ele para iniciar uma missão na qual ele vai. Just keep collecting and save the balls for the next update. Idleon (and it's developer) are a bit controversial in the incremental game community for a lot of good reasons. Im switching all the time between android and steam and wont habe any problems.